Emma & Robbie’s Love Story

Emma & Robbie’s Love Story

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Emma & Robbie’s Love Story 

In our blog series, Your Love Story, we interview our beloved couples who have found their dream ring at TMC. 

Emma & Robbie’s love story began with a chance encounter at the Dalby Races and a serendipitous reunion at a football game, where their love grew over seven years until a heartfelt proposal on a misty Christmas Eve. 

They were incredibly generous in sharing all the details of their proposal, love story and wedding with us!  

Q: All great love stories have a beginning, so tell us yours! How did you meet?

A: We met in 2016 at the Dalby Races, it was just a passing introduction that we didn’t think much of at the time. Then 2 weeks later at a football game in Pittsworth outside of Toowoomba our paths crossed again, and although it wasn’t love at first sight, who would have thought 7 and a half years later we would be married, laughing about being silly teenagers and how we didn’t meet on tinder!

Q: We're in the business of proposals, and never get tired of hearing your stories: tell us all about the moment you popped the question!

A: It was Christmas Eve 2021, we were driving to the Sunshine Coast for family Christmas. I had a very long shift that day and, if I can call it correctly, I was wearing a baggy t-shirt and the daggiest pants ever. I’d made a comment to Robbie about the view overlooking the Sunshine Coast valley near Buderim, it was foggy and raining slightly. He said ‘why don’t we go and look at the view?’ Of course I didn’t think anything of it as it is not unusual for us to do spontaneous things like that. When we got to the park I started to walk off and he yelled to me he forgot to turn the car lights off so I waited a while. When he came back he grabbed my hand and he was a little shaky but I told him I didn’t want to hold his hand because he was sweating too much (I still feel kind of bad about it!). We went down a little pathway with absolutely no view but a moss covered bench and a few old trees. I went to turn around and go towards the lookout where the viewing deck was when I heard a ‘Hey Em’. I turned around and Robbie was down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I was so shocked I asked if he was serious several times complete with a happy dance but I have never felt so sure of anything in my life. We quickly got back into the car and drove to my grandma's house where all of my family were waiting and we got to surprise them and celebrate together which was so special. The best Christmas present ever!

It's been an honour to play a small part in your love story so far. What made you choose The Moissanite Company and how did you decide on your ring design?

I wanted a wedding band that was personal to my style and taste. TMC popped up regularly on my Instagram when I was looking for my wedding band and I knew they were a perfect fit for myself as I wanted something ethical and bespoke to have forever. I found when I went into the studio the service was perfect, I wasn’t put under pressure to purchase then and there, they were respectful of my budget and I felt at ease knowing my wedding band would be one of a kind.

Q: You've chosen to spend the rest of your lives together, so what is it that you love most about each other & your relationship?

A: We just love being in each other's company even if we are just sitting in complete silence. Robbie is so calm and collected and I can be quite hot headed and OCD with certain things which is such a great balance, he brings me back down to earth. He also likes to make sure I’m reminded of how beautiful I am and I always love to remind him how much I appreciate everything he does big or small.

Q: As a couple who've already tied the knot, can you share with us the details of your wedding? We'd love to hear all about it!

A: We were married on the 6th of January 2024 surrounded by our family and friends at Jimbour House Queensland. Our day was nothing short of perfection, it was magical and a real life fairytale. My dream day exceeded my own expectations and we haven’t been able to stop talking about our wedding day. It was amazing.


Here at The Moissanite Company, we value your love story. Based in Australia, we utilise the highest quality Moissanite and Lab Grown Diamonds, and pair this with impeccable craftsmanship to bring your forever ring to life. We pride ourselves on being Bespoke, Ethical and Affordable, and are on a mission to positively influence the jewellery industry, and provide customers with the sparkle they desire, at a price they can afford, with the environment in front of mind, always!

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