Our Once A year Sale

Below you'll find all the relevant information you need to know about our Once A Year Sale.

20% Off Once A Year Sale

Inclusive of Moissanite & Lab Diamond Engagement, Women’s and Men’s Ceremonial, Fine Jewellery, and Ready To Wear.

Excludes Custom Ring Design.

Sale Dates 20th November 12:00am - 27th November 11:59pm

Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offer.


Everybody who purchases during our Once A Year Sale goes into the draw to win.

One purchase is equal to one entry. If you have made multiple purchases during our Once A Year Sale Event, they will all be included in the draw to win.

$1000 gift voucher will be drawn at the end of the sale period.

This complimentary gift voucher offer can not be utilised in conjunction with any other offers or purchases during the sale period.

Offer valid for our Bespoke Signature Range or Ready To Wear.


Offer valid for 24 hours only 26th-27th 

Offer valid for our Bespoke Signature Range or Ready To Wear.

Only one hidden gemstone can be added per ring.